Data Sheets for Download

Minipotentiostat MP04 (110 kB)
Compact potentiostat KP 07 (90 kB)
Potentiostat/Galvanostat TG97 (180 kB)

Laboratory potentiostat/galvanostat LPG 03 (130 kB) 
Scanning potentiostat/galvanostat PGS 95 (140 kB)
Scanning potentiostat/galvanostat POS 2 (180 kB)

High power potentiostat/galvanostat HP96 (150 kB)
High power potentiostat HP9620 (145 kB)
High power potentiostat/galvanostat HP400
High current potentiostat/galvanostat HC500 (100 kB)

Multi-channel potentiostat MCP 94 (330 kB)
Multi-channel electrochemical workstation MLab (430 kB)
MLab News (165 kB)
Cathodic Disbondment Tester MCP CaDis (330 kB)

Multichannel current sink CS2 (160 kB)
Signal generator MVS 98 (150 kB)
Potential meter / Electrometer PPM 98 (350 kB)
Integrator EVI 95 (110 kB)
Noise Detection Unit NDU (440 kB)

Electrochemical Standard cells (180 kB)

Avesta Cell (200 kB)

CV cell (410 kB)
Field cell (240 kB)
Flow cell (360 kB)
Working Electrode Holder Diskfix (75 kB)
Working Electrode Holder Tipfix (210 kB)


Brochures and Application Notes for Download

Potentiostats (700 kB)
Potentiostats - Well Used (125 kB)
Cells and Electrodes (210 kB)
The Avesta Cell (85 kB)
Interfacing Potentiostats (250 kB)

Bank Elektronik -

Intelligent Controls GmbH

Hubertusstr. 38

D-35415 Pohlheim


Tel. +49 - 6403 - 60 98 60

Fax  +49 - 6403 - 60 98 622

e-Mail: info [at]


Short Catalogue (PDF)