DiskfixWorking electrode fixture for flat round or octagonal electrodes. Different bezels set fixed surface areas of 1 cm² up to 6 cm². In connection with our standard cell (Zelle 1 through Zelle 22), electrode change is easy. Two versions are available: Diskfix PVC for work up to max. 60°C, and Diskfix PEEK for work up to 150 °C. Special versions of Diskfix are available for gas electrodes, including das diffusors and gas inlet / outlet.
TipfixTipfix is an electrode fixture for irregularly shaped electrodes, but also prismatic or cylindric ones. The electrode is kept between tips where a Pt tip connects the electrode, and 2 others keep it in place. Two versions are available: Tipfix glass and Tipfix PVC (max. 50°C)
Photo left: Tipfix, glass, mounted together with Haber-Luggin-capillary in WE adaptor of standard cell,)
Tweezer TWEEZER is an easy - exchange fixture for electrodes made from sheet material. The maximum sheet thickness is 3mm, the minimum thickness is 0.1 mm.
Counter Electrode Ti-PtCounter electrodes made of platinised Titanium are extremely sturdy. Their electrochemical behaviour is as good as that of pure platinum in most environments. The 70 mm x 6 mm dia counter electrode comes with a 4 mm banana terminal and a Teflon cone (NS 14). Available in 2 versions for max. 150 mm immersion depth and max. 100 mm immersion depth.
Bank Elektronik -
Intelligent Controls GmbH
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Tel. +49 - 6403 - 60 98 60
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