e-cordere-corder units are used for the collection of signals from many types of transducers and laboratory instruments. They connect to Windows and Macintosh computers via USB, and are supplied with Chart and Scope software for real-time display and analysis of the recorded signals. In addition, the EChem software module offers both traditional and advanced techniques for electrochemists.
Models with 2,4,8 and 16 analogue-in-channels are available.
Beyond data acquisition, the ecorder also feeds the control voltage to potentiostats.
The ecorder system provides DC power for various eDAQ signal transducers and eDAQ potentiostats. In addition, most of our laboratory potentiostats are fully controlled by e-corder.
DT 9804DT 9804 is an optically isolated 16-bit multi - function AD-DA interface with 16 digital I/O ports and counter / timer functions. It is used with our CPC software especially when ground loops due to ground-connected electrodes have to be avoided.
DT 3102DT 3102 is an economically priced 16-bit multi - function AD-DA interface with 16 digital I/O ports and counter/timer functions. It is used with our CPC software. |
Bank Elektronik -
Intelligent Controls GmbH
Hubertusstr. 38
D-35415 Pohlheim
Tel. +49 - 6403 - 60 98 60
Fax +49 - 6403 - 60 98 622
e-Mail: info [at] bank-ic.de